What's In A Mat? A Lesson in Aparigraha
Nonfiction Laura Leffler Nonfiction Laura Leffler

What's In A Mat? A Lesson in Aparigraha

My legs shook. My arms wobbled. I feared that my face was red as a siren. I hadn’t expected sweat. I hadn’t expected all this effort. But there it was, and then there I was in Savasana at last, with my eyes closed, my heartbeat slowing and my body still and cooling. I feel as calm as a dead person, I thought, and right then, the teacher spoke.

“Savasana,” she said. “Corpse pose.”

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What Luck
Nonfiction Laura Leffler Nonfiction Laura Leffler

What Luck

In my memory I’m standing outside the hospital with my father-in-law and his wife, and I’m smoking a cigarette. But my memory lies. I haven’t smoked in ten years, and that night, when the bark came through the baby monitor, and the paramedics broke down the front door, and my life cracked open easy as an egg, I wouldn’t have smoked even if I wanted to; I was eight months pregnant with my third child.

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