The Day I Learned to Accept My Son's Rare Kidney Disease

I saw the other moms looking at him on the playground. They tried to hide their curiosity behind their sunglasses, taking quick glances at my almost two-year-old son, then away, then at his twin sister and at me, back at him, and away, away, away.

He was so small, weighing as much as a typical eight-month-old, but his face was adult-like in its angles, in the way his bones sat just under the skin. There was no fat left on any part of him. His arms and legs were skinny, long and brown, and his belly was so big and round that he had to wear suspenders to keep his pants up. He was too old to crawl and he knew it, but his big belly made it hard to balance, so he walked on hands and feet—a little bear.

Read more here:


You Can't Quit Motherhood: On Privilege, Motherhood, and Effort


When Food Is Medicine